Success on American Arachnological Society grant!

Congratulations to Desmond TAN on his successful grant to the Vincent Roth Fund for Systematics Research from the American Arachnological Society (AAS)! Desmond will be starting his MPhil soon to clarify harvestman biodiversity in Hong Kong. Not only has writing the proposal helped him refine his project, but now he has a bit of money to fund the project. One of the exciting parts of being a professor and having students is that they bring new ideas and interests to the lab. I never would have thought that I would be doing work on harvestmen. Thanks to those who are believing in us novel arachnologists, such as the AAS in providing funding, and real experts like Prof. Chao ZHANG (Hebei University) who is mentoring Desmond. We will do our best to sort out Hong Kong’s harvestmen and highlight these cool animals!